Dude, where is his planet?


Dude, where’s my planet?‘ is an adorable flash game with excellent graphic and music.

It’s all about little guy who is lost in his pastel space and he has to find his planet. Help him by performing gravity jumps  to another asteroids.

Oh, and since indie games with no instructions are much funnier when you discover everything by yourself I won’t tell you the steering.

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Super c00l baise

That’s how you make it:


Extreme pathing

Example of extremely quick path:
-doors on the top of stairs stun you and don’t let you to jump up when pushing to run, you save time there
-no door stopping you when jumping of the tower
-launchpad way back instantly boosts you to the quarters from where you can go anywhere

-the roof made of bridges stops volleyed arrows but still allows you to go up and add more things to your tower

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Vault wall

Since you can’t jump 4 tiles anymore it’s the only way to make a cheap and quick knightproofable only-team wall. Pretty effective.

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Dropping tower

-repairable wall
-easy and quick to build
-it uses vaulting features
-and a fact that you can connect a block by a wall to something and then put a ladder, when you removes the wall you have the block attached by the ladder. Simple and useful.


Sneaky spikes

Hey man, ground level doors. Let’s crush them and squeeze through that gap!
what the…
Important stuff:
-it takes only one heart
-you need that door above the spikes. Solid block there would kill you.

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Archer Tower

Simple and quick to build archer tower.

-not so easy to spot Rayne’s slit
-Strathos’s repairable wall in the most vulnerable place
-quarters instead of arrow shop
-doors preventing knights from instaladdering there



I started a blog because I’d like to have some space to drop my stuff there. And to publish some ideas without flaming on forums.
Enjoy if you want to.
