Tag Archives: hipster

Proun: I wish I played this game more.

Have you ever heard about Awesomenauts? Or Swords and Soldiers? Or De Blob? I’m sure you have. All these games were made by Ronimo Games.

But have  you ever heard about Proun?

It’s a game developed by Joost van Dongen with help from Arno Landsbergen who, basing on stuff Joost already had, composed music and the sound effects.                                                      ‘Ok, but how is this related to Ronino Games?’ – Oh, that’s simple. Van Dongen is lead programmer and co-founder of this studio.

And then you ask easy to answer question: ‘What the hell is on this picture?’ – That’s Proun. The easiest way to describe this game is ‘what if we took that bucket of lines and squares and gave it to Studio Liverpool?’. Yes, you are right. Proun is a racing game which takes its place on maps inspired by modern art. And it’s really, really good.

Mechanic is simple – you are a white ball and you drive on a rail. You can speed up, slow down and rotate on the rail to avoid things smashing you and therefore, slowing you down. Your goal is to be faster than other balls.  There are 3 basic tracks and 4 speed classes, you unlock each by beating a tournament on a previous one.                                                                                               ‘Then why is this game so great?’ – because of everything. It has 4 player split screen, it looks excellent, it supports user-made tracks and global scoreboards, it runs on my laptop smoothly and, finally, the music is fabuazing. So good that I had to made a word describing it.

There is only one problem with this game. I keep forgetting about it. Seriously, I reminded it by accident. And I launch it only when my Internet is down for period of time too short to make launching my Playstation cost-effective. But when I launch it, I can play like 30 minutes straight and only close it when somebody calls me or tells me to check something on the Internet.                  And then I forget to launch the game again.



Anyway, you can check it out here. Proun is free but you can pay what you want (more than a $1, though) to get a premium track.


If you want to talk about racism, make a game on iOS

Just like creators of Discrimination Pong.

The flash demo I linked it’s a preview of Pong’s variation available on iOS. And it’s about racial discrimination. There are 2 players, one of them controls regular white paddle, the second one controls a black paddle. And he gets nerfed with every round.

I’m not a big fan of  games like this but mechanic (the black paddle, being a victim of racism gets smaller, super slow and stuff like this) and whole idea was good enough to share with it.



And remember to not be a racist.


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Dude, where is his planet?


Dude, where’s my planet?‘ is an adorable flash game with excellent graphic and music.

It’s all about little guy who is lost in his pastel space and he has to find his planet. Help him by performing gravity jumps  to another asteroids.

Oh, and since indie games with no instructions are much funnier when you discover everything by yourself I won’t tell you the steering.

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